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Ms. Gagne Answers the Current’s 17 Questions

Ms. Gagne with her two kids

​​Editor’s Note: The transcript has been lightly edited for clarity.

Question #1: What’s something most people at Potomac don’t know about you?

Ms. Gagne: I grew up in a small Maine town that is a popular summer town. The year round population is so small that it did not have a middle school or high school so I drove an hour to school! 

Question #2: What was your favorite subject in school? 

Ms. Gagne: Ok, this is really lame. I don’t think I had a favorite subject. I just really liked school. In high school, I actually liked math and science more than I liked history, which is interesting.

Question #3: Do you have any hidden talents? 

Ms. Gagne: Absolutely not. I have no talents. I always wish I had something, but yeah, I have absolutely no talents. 

** Ms. Gagne later amended the answer to question 3: her hidden talent is driving a bus, especially on the way to cross country meets!

Question #4: What’s one thing on your bucket list? 

Ms. Gagne: I would really like to go to New Zealand or Japan.

Question #5: Are you a cat person or a dog person? 

Ms. Gagne: Oh, dog. 110%. My son right now actually really wants to get a cat. And we have two dogs. I’m using the dogs as a reason not to get the cat. 

Question #6: What’s your biggest irrational fear?

Ms. Gagne: Balloons. I really don’t like balloons. I think I’m just gonna leave it there.

Question #7: If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?

Ms. Gagne: That’s a great question. There’s not a particular person but I think I would love to be an ambassador for a day. I just would love to know what their day-to-day looks like and what they actually do. I would like to be an ambassador anywhere — I don’t think there’s one country I want to be an ambassador for.

Question #8: What’s one thing that you can’t live without?

Ms. Gagne: My running shoes! I know that’s not very original. But, if I’m running I am at my happiest.

Question #9: What would you say if everyone in the world would listen? 

Ms. Gagne: Be kind. I know it’s so simple, but I think it’s something that we constantly need to be reminded of.

Question #10: What’s your favorite place at Potomac?

Ms. Gagne: I think the spot I like the most actually is the hill that we do hill repeats on in Cross Country. I know that you guys probably don’t feel that way as the runners, but I love that we have a campus where there are these little nooks where you forget for a moment that you’re in a suburban sprawl.

Question #11: What’s your biggest pet peeve?

Ms. Gagne: Biggest one? I think there’s two. One is I hate when people leave trash behind. And then, I don’t know if it’s a pet peeve, but one thing for me is that I don’t like being early to things. I like to be on time. It’s weird but I really have to be on time. I hate being too early. It’s a very strange thing. 

Question #12: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? 

Ms. Gagne: Anywhere in the world? I think I’m going to have to do more traveling to answer that question. There’s so many places that I don’t know well enough to make a choice. I think this is a really simple answer, but I feel very strongly attached to my New England roots. And so I would love to be back in New England.

Question #13: What’s your favorite book?

Ms. Gagne: Great question. I think it depends. There are the academic books, and there are the non-academic books. Two books I’ve really I’ve read recently that I’m really into – I always joke around that I’m the market for them- is that there’s a lot of female runners who recently published books and they’re my era and so Des Linden, the 2018 Boston Marathon winner wrote a book recently and then also Kara Goucher also wrote a book about her time as a professional athlete. And those two books were, I thought, really inspiring. So those are my non-academic choices.

Question #14: If you could teach a subject other than history and GPAC, what would it be?

Ms. Gagne: I think this goes back to the fact I don’t have any other talents. If I could pick anything and I would know how to teach it. Like a complete dream, I would love to teach art, I think. Yeah, drawing and painting I think it’d be. 

Question #15: What do you eat for breakfast? 

Ms. Gagne: Coffee, coffee, and peanut butter toast when I’m on the run.

Question #16: What is something that you do that you wish you could do more of?

Ms. Gagne: I wish I could get outside more. I wish I could go hiking. And just yeah, be outside. Enjoy nature more.

Question #17: If you had to give advice to your younger self what would it be?

Ms. Gagne: There’s so much. Relax, sleep and learn to say no.

That’s 17 questions. Thank you!

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About the Contributors
Karina Satoskar
Karina Satoskar, Arts and Entertainment Editor
Karina is the Arts and Entertainment editor for the Current and a junior at Potomac. In her free time, she enjoys running, reading, and acting in productions!
Jessica Raman
Jessica Raman, Co-Editor in Chief
Jessica Raman is the managing editor of the print edition for the Current. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, baking and getting lost in good books. She also enjoys spending time outside, whether it be on a run or a nice walk. She is a junior at Potomac.