The new ID Cards: Hits, Misses and Suggestions
A students signs in at the East Building using his new ID card.
Last month the Potomac staff got us our student ID cards. The ID cards allow students to gain access to buildings and to print and copy on the school’s printers. So far students’ opinions are mixed.
By now, we have all gotten the chance to take a long, hard look at our pictures.Many have noticed that the picture is warped, leaving behind faces that look out of proportion. Oddly, the pictures seem to come from different sources. All ninth graders had their pictures taken at orientation on September 8th; however, some students were given an ID card with their eighth grade picture instead. No one wants to be reminded of their middle school years, especially since we have to use our IDs every day.
While we are just starting to use our IDs at school, they provide few benefits outside of school. Many places give student discounts or access with proper ID. However, since our IDs lack pertinent information like school year and grade level, many places may not honor our ID. I think our IDs could be used in other ways to make our lives easier on campus as well. Money could be put on our ID cards so that they could be used on the vending machines, or use them as a library card when you check out books. Since we have to bring our ID cards to school everyday, why not find more ways to use them?
In general, the ID card is useful to have, but with some forward thinking, it has potential for so much more– especially a more flattering photo.

Danica is the features editor and enjoys writing opinion pieces and articles related to important Upper School student events. Her favorite subjects are...